A downloadable game

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What was once a little game made for a game jam is now being developed into a full, 300+ page Core Rulebook complete with a MASSIVE system overhaul. To reward everyone for their patience, we've decided to release a little sneak peak at the game while we work toward launching the kickstarter. In this small packet--dubbed the Pride Packet in honor of Pride Month--you will find MOST of the rules needed to create a character in the new Tea & Crumpets. While we had to keep some details to ourselves, you will find a few sneak peaks at the new abilities of our Magical Girls and get a look at about 90% of our Character Creation.

Stay tuned for more updates here and on my Patreon as we get closer and closer to launching the Kickstarter! We're sorry it's taking so long but we want the game to be perfect for all of our supporters and perfection takes time--and a lot of testing and patience (especially since we plan on releasing a full art version of the game). For now, we hope this will help satisfy your curiosity and should work perfectly fine with the soon to be updated 8 Page version of the game!

So, grab your friends, get your transformation sequence out of the way, and get ready to monologue your Heart out, because it's time for Tea & Crumpets: A Game of Magical Girls and Tea Leaves!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

T&C Pride Packet.pdf 22 MB

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